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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Traffic School

7:45 am Pleasant Grove library, as 50 grumpy citizens file into the traffic school. I sit down (back row center), just hoping no one sits next to me. Then watch 3 of PG's finest struggle for 10 min to step up a screen for the projector. "how many PG cops does it take to set up a projector screen" is mumbled across the room. It begins 1 and 1/2 hrs of how to avoid a ticket, graphic pictures, and the occasional funny story. I struggled to stay awake until it happened he sit his 250lbs down right next to me, I almost past out is the aroma of BO and stale smoke overwhelm me. As I gasp for air I look at the clock and i still have about an hour left. I pray can last. through it all i did regain my breath and enjoyed a few good laughs, did i learn anything not really. Oh well no points on my record!  

1 comment:

  1. You did learn something, Lance. You learned that you don't want to go back to traffic school to sit by people that try to suffocate you by odor alone. That experience would help me to keep the speed limit while driving.
