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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Traffic School

7:45 am Pleasant Grove library, as 50 grumpy citizens file into the traffic school. I sit down (back row center), just hoping no one sits next to me. Then watch 3 of PG's finest struggle for 10 min to step up a screen for the projector. "how many PG cops does it take to set up a projector screen" is mumbled across the room. It begins 1 and 1/2 hrs of how to avoid a ticket, graphic pictures, and the occasional funny story. I struggled to stay awake until it happened he sit his 250lbs down right next to me, I almost past out is the aroma of BO and stale smoke overwhelm me. As I gasp for air I look at the clock and i still have about an hour left. I pray can last. through it all i did regain my breath and enjoyed a few good laughs, did i learn anything not really. Oh well no points on my record!